Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Technologies make your life easier

What is Technology?  Where is Technology?  Can we live without it?
Do you want the answer? Easy.

Turn off the electricity and water supply, disconnect the telephone and throw away your mobile phone!!. Wait just for 15 minutes.

How do you feel?
Answer this question in a comment in this article. Don't forget your course and name and the inicial of your surname.
This challenge should be done on Monday October 3rd. If you have problems with your computer or the Internet, do it in your notebook.
Homer Simpson doing the challenge... after 2 minutes


  1. hola soy Lilian o. de 1 A. pues que yo lo he hecho pero he estado preguntando a mi madre todo el rato cuanto falta pero que yo puedo con mas tiempo menos de 20
    pero me ha gustado el reto.

  2. Iván Z, 1ºA: yo lo que he hecho ha sido pensar en un juego y el tiempo se me ha pasado volando.

  3. en esos cinco minutos eran como el infierno pero cuando pasaron esos cinco minutos cojí el móvil rápido y era lo mejor boludo

  4. hi i'm Alvaro Ma 1D and i feelt relaxed.

  5. Marco A. 1D: I felt a bit bored because i couldn´t do anything

  6. Julia m. 1A :he estado bastante nerviosa porque me aburría y yo soy muy inquieta

  7. Hi teacher, I am Yoel from 1D, I did the challenge and it felt a bit weird. It was a short time but I got a bit nervous

  8. Hi, Im Gema from 1.C
    The first thing I did was , explained my mother about the experiment , then I asked her to let me know when does the five minutes finish. I locked in my bedroom , but i didnt sit in my chair or bed, i was reading a book while i was sitting in the floor.
    My experience was very bad , we all ned tecnological things in life.

  9. Hi I'm Sara M 1ºc.I feel very bored and I don't know what to do. I sit down in the floor and I think what I am going to do the next day.

  10. soy mouad c de 1a y es una sensacion extraña

  11. Hi Rosa. I'm Irene from 1ºD.
    Some days ago I did the challenge you gave us. First, I started thinking that 5 minutes was a very short period of time. But, like two minutes later, I realized that I couldn't use my chronometre, so I started from zero again. I spent that long five minutes counting, but at the same time thinking I was not going to stand till the end...

  12. Fatima R. 1°D.
    At first I was just sitting waiting for the time to pass but, I started to get really bored so I started reding and playing with my sister and withouth realizing it it had already been half an hour.

  13. Hi teacher I am AlvaroF 1ºD.
    Yesterady I did the challenge, it was rare to be five minutes without technology but I think to draw. When I was drawing I see the hour and I was drawing one hour!

  14. For me it has not been so bad .

  15. I am Gonzalo L of 1D. First, I have stretch my muscles and then I started to jump to see how much time I can pass jumping. Finally I I started to run on my sit

  16. it's imposible to do because all around you is technological. i'm Ivan from 1c


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