Friday, July 5, 2013

Construction roles - Documentary

Today I've seen an excellent documentary programme on TV2: "Los Oficios de la Construcción", and I've said: "My technologies students should see it!. It is 61 minutes of almost everything we have been studying this course. It would be a very practical review and extension!."
Los Oficios de la Construcción (2010)
Título original: Los Oficios de la Construcción (España)
Género: Documentales
Director: José Antonio Muñiz.
Duración: 61 minutos.
You can find here the full documentary. Go to 16' 50'' if you want to skip the first part of the TV programme.
Besides, while looking for it on YouTube, I've found some parts of it classified by roles. Actually, I don't know which ones were the first ones to be produced. Here you will find the links: