The technical report should include the following ítems:
0. Cover
Attractive cover with the names and course of the team.
1. Index
2. Introduction. Definition of the problem.
Design and manufacture an antiobstacle robot to be an insect. Explain the Project.
3. Insect Design.
3.1. Possible solutions (sketches). Insect sketches (choose the best ones). Authors.
3.2. Decision matrix (finalists insects sketches). Authors.
3.3. Final design (detailed sketch). Drawings and views of final insect. Authors.
4. Approach to construction.
4.1. Job distribution. Roles.
4.2. List of materials. Author.
4.3. Views of two important components (motor and SPDT swich). Choose the best ones in your team. Authors.
4.4. List of tools. Author.
4.5. Safe and health instructions. Author.
4.6. Clean instructions. Author.
4.7. Budget. You will not have this section.
5. Manufacturing
5.1. Diagram: circuit of the robot. Detail the color of each connection and who made it. Author.
5.2. Plan view of the robot with the connections (real positions in your robot). Author.
5.3. Manufacturing development: problems and difficulties found. Modifications of the original design. Incidents and accidents. Authors.
5.4. Construction Diary. Author.
6. Final Results and evaluation.
6.1. Results achieved: including pictures of the object and a description of it. Author.
6.2. Digital information about the Project: videos and pictures (YouTube and Photopeach links - no faces allowed, if you are there, edit the pictures and place a "monster" on your faces). Authors.
6.3. Evaluation: use a matrix to evaluate the members of the group (% each).
Of course, you can modify and adapt this index.
- Next week (10-14th) - We are going to continue finishing the robot, taking the final pictures...
- Monday 17th - Robots should be finished to show everybody.
- Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th - You can give me the final technical report finished and printed.
On Wednesday 19th (final exams for those who have faild one or more Technologies terms) will be the LAST DAY to give me the technical report printed.